Montana’s Missoula College Campus Relocation

September 11, 2013

Nursing student Lee Anne Magee attends the Missoula college and has been enrolled for three years. She’s been forced to take her chemistry labs at the main UM campus because the lack of facilities at the Missoula college campus.

“They get way hot in the summer time. So its very hard to concentrate and when we are trying to focus in class, there is just not enough air flow and then it gets really cold in the winter. I mean it’s not an ideal learning environment,” explained Magee.

The state legislature has provided 29 million dollars for funding of the new Missoula College. Two possible campus locations remain. The south campus which now houses the university golf course. The site has been the original site for relocation but is close to the neighborhoods heart. The barren east Broadway location next to creek side apartments is the other potential campus location. University President Royce Engstrom is looking forward to the campus upgrade.

“The facility that we have in place is just entirely inadequate from a size point of view. In addition it’s inadequate from a standard of education point of view from today’s standards,” said Engstrom.

The current buildings used for the Missoula college was built 50 years ago and held around 700 students. Today it is jammed with anywhere from 2000 to 2500 students a year. Factors such as parking, transportation, and neighborhood concerns play a large role in the decision for the students and the community. Missoula Mayor John Engen had a site proposal that isn’t left on the table for discussion, but knows wherever the location, that it will be for the better.

“I think a great Missoula College in a great location will attract more students. Facilities do matter,” stated Engen.

There is going to be a decision about the new Missoula college campus relocation at the end of the month and students expressed to their excitement about the upcoming decision.

“I think it will definitely lighten how many students are in each classroom. Hopefully we will have enough instructors to supply those extra classes over there. But the more instructors we have the better one on one which I think impacts the students learning,” said Magee.

Magee hopes there will be more elbow room and improved facilities available for upcoming students at the new Missoula College.

Public forums on the 19th and 20th of September which will be open to the public to input their ideas before the decision at the end of the month.


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