Tag: Washington Grizzly Stadium

Griz Football Brings Huge Boost to Missoula Economy

September 22, 2017

Griz football games attract fans from all over Montana and the US.  Matt Skillman asked businesses what those fans add to the Missoula economy.


Local Kennel and Dog Hiking Company Receives Turf from UM Statium

December 2, 2016

Used turv-maroon-puppy-turff from Washington Grizzly Stadium is impacting a local dog business in Missoula. Alpine Canine is using the old stadium turf to improve the kennels. The company is not your ordinary dog kenneling business, it also buses dogs in special buses to the hiking area. Reporter Tasha Cain and Grant Herzog fetched the story.

UM News Silver – September 11, 2014

September 11, 2014

Sept 10 Silver Anchor StillThis week on UM News, anchors Holly Sinnema and Keeley Van Middendorp tells us about a University of Montana program that’s spreading to other universities across the nation, how the Athletic Department is keeping the Washington-Grizzly Stadium up-to-date, and what the Grizzly Marching Band does to prepare for game day. Directed by Cole Havens and produced by Allison Molin.

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