Tag: Mahkia Clark

UM News Silver-December 3, 2014

December 4, 2014

Dec 3 SilverThe increase of job opportunity in several fields highlight this week’s edition of UM News. Anchors Mahkia Clark and Allison Molin tell us about two Missoula College programs that prepares students to fill the expanding occupations in the culinary and carpentry fields. They also tell us how University of Montana students help local high school students achieve their singing dreams and they share with us the upcoming holiday events at the university. This program was produced by Mackenzie Enich and directed by Cole Havens.

New Jobs Cooking Up for Culinary Students

December 3, 2014
Culinary students make burritos at Missoula College.

Culinary students make burritos at Missoula College.

A new report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics indicates the hospitality field is growing. UM News reporter Mahkia Clark got a behind the scenes look in the kitchen at Missoula College to see what jobs are cooking up for culinary students.

UM News Silver-November 20, 2014

November 20, 2014

 This week on UM News , anchors Jenna Heberden and Keeley Van Middendorp tell us how staying up for one night can help children stay up for good. They also discuss how one competition during Brawl of the Wild helps feed Missoula families, and a new insectarium that will be crawling into town in early 2015.
Produced by Mahkia Clark
Directed by Ed Huberman.

UM News Silver- October 29, 2014

October 30, 2014

Oct 29 Silver for KTMF Anchor StillOn UM News this week, anchors Jenna Heberden and Mahkia Clark tell us how a lot of Montanans are voting early in this year’s mid-term election. They also talk about a local organization and its creative way to interest kids in the areas of science, engineering and math, and about a unique Missoula tradition for the Day of the Dead celebration this weekend. Produced by Holly Sinnema and directed by Ed Huberman.

University Police Help Keep Off-Campus Students Safe

October 29, 2014
Sign for Yreka Court, the location of the explosion on October 13th, 2014.

Sign for Yreka Court, the location of the explosion on October 13, 2014.

After a recent explosion at University Villages housing, UM News reporter Mahkia Clark looked into what the University Police do to keep students living in those apartments safe and what to do in the case of an off-campus emergency.


UM Circus Club Rehearses Quirky Skills

October 15, 2014

VO-Circus Club


Students juggle, hula hoop, and dance at a new club at the University of Montana. UM News reporter Mahkia Clark and photographer Cole Havens entered the ring and got a front row seat to rehearsals of the Circus Club.

Study Jam Helps Students Succeed

October 8, 2014

Study Jam


Study Jam is a resource for students at UM through the Office for Student Success aimed at giving them the individual help they don’t get in large lecture classes. UM News reporter Mahkia Clark observed the Spanish table to get a closer look at the program.


UM News Silver-September 25, 2014

September 25, 2014

Sept 24 Silver Anchors   This week on UM News, reporters Mahkia Clark and Mackenzie Enich cover stories from campus diversity, a new approach to getting home safe    from a night out, the economic benefits of local craft breweries and UM’s 150th Homecoming celebration.

UM News Silver- September 18, 2014

September 18, 2014

Sept 17 Silver Anchors StillThis week on UM News, anchors Keeley Van Middendorp and Mahkia Clark tell us how one UM professor is helping find the source to a mysterious odor in some Missoula neighborhoods, why a UM alumnus is reaching out to the community for help, and about Fall Feastival, a celebration of the success of the university’s Farm to College Program. Directed by Ed Huberman and produced by Holly Sinnema.

UM News Maroon- September 18, 2014

September 18, 2014

Sept 17 Maroon Anchor stillThis week on UM News, anchors Jenna Heberden and Allison Molin tell us about Fall Feastival and the University’s Farm to College Program, how students volunteer to help children overseas, why one alumnus needs the community’s help, and how a UM professor is helping Missoula residents that are bothered by a strange odor in their neighborhoods.

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