Tag: Farm to College

UM News Silver for September 24, 2015

September 24, 2015

12055091_1149411318405670_1031213887_o (1)This week on UM News, The Missoula Food Bank teamed up with the University for Homecoming week to hike for hunger. Recently, UM also broke a record buying local food. This show is anchored by Sarah Yovetich and Sojin Josephson, and produced by Dominique Giusti.

UM News Silver- September 18, 2014

September 18, 2014

Sept 17 Silver Anchors StillThis week on UM News, anchors Keeley Van Middendorp and Mahkia Clark tell us how one UM professor is helping find the source to a mysterious odor in some Missoula neighborhoods, why a UM alumnus is reaching out to the community for help, and about Fall Feastival, a celebration of the success of the university’s Farm to College Program. Directed by Ed Huberman and produced by Holly Sinnema.

UM News Maroon- September 18, 2014

September 18, 2014

Sept 17 Maroon Anchor stillThis week on UM News, anchors Jenna Heberden and Allison Molin tell us about Fall Feastival and the University’s Farm to College Program, how students volunteer to help children overseas, why one alumnus needs the community’s help, and how a UM professor is helping Missoula residents that are bothered by a strange odor in their neighborhoods.

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