Tag: Cole Havens

UM News Maroon- December 3, 2014

December 4, 2014

Dec 3 MaroonThis week on UM News, anchors Jenna Heberden and Keeley Van Middendorp tell us about how the growing carpentry program at Missoula College is preparing students to enter the workforce. They also tell us how University of Montana students are helping local high school students step into the spotlight and about the upcoming Christmas activities on the UM campus. This week’s broadcast was produced by Holly Sinnema and directed by Cole Havens.

UM News Silver-December 3, 2014

December 4, 2014

Dec 3 SilverThe increase of job opportunity in several fields highlight this week’s edition of UM News. Anchors Mahkia Clark and Allison Molin tell us about two Missoula College programs that prepares students to fill the expanding occupations in the culinary and carpentry fields. They also tell us how University of Montana students help local high school students achieve their singing dreams and they share with us the upcoming holiday events at the university. This program was produced by Mackenzie Enich and directed by Cole Havens.

Montanan’s Take Advantage Of Early Voting Period

October 29, 2014

1030-EarlyVotingThousands of Montanans vote early during elections by mailing or dropping off absentee ballots. UM News reporter Allison Molin and photographer Cole Havens looked into the pros and cons of voting before election day.

UM News Silver – October 23, 2014

October 23, 2014

Oct 22 SilverThis week on UM News, anchors Jenna Heberden and Keeley Van Middendorp look into a new physical therapy system being tested at the University of Montana‘s Movement Science Laboratory, as well as the rising international student population on campus. They also explain why it’s an ideal time for student teachers to look for jobs and how biking can save you money in the long run. Produced by Allison Molin, directed by Cole Havens.

UM Circus Club Rehearses Quirky Skills

October 15, 2014

VO-Circus Club


Students juggle, hula hoop, and dance at a new club at the University of Montana. UM News reporter Mahkia Clark and photographer Cole Havens entered the ring and got a front row seat to rehearsals of the Circus Club.

UM News Maroon October 8, 2014

October 9, 2014

Oct 8 Maroon for KPAX anchorsConstruction on UM’s new softball field highlights this week’s edition of UM News. Anchors Allison Molin and Jenna Heberden also tell us about a program that helps students in large lecture classes with homework, and Reporter Keeley Van Middendorp is in the newsroom to tell us more about a scholarship for native students. This week’s program is produced by Holly Sinnema, and directed by Cole Havens.

UM Professor Works With Task Force To Find Mystery Odor

September 17, 2014

917MysternyOdorA University of Montana professor is working with a task force to find and stop an offensive odor that’s tormented North and Westside Missoula residents for months. UM News reporter Allison Molin and photographer Cole Havens met with the task force to see how they plan to track down the source.

UM News Maroon-September 11, 2014

September 11, 2014

Sept10 Maroon Anchor Still

This week anchors Mackenzie Enich and Jenna Heberden discussed how  other college campuses across the country are adopting UM’S PETSA Sexual Assault Prevention Program.
Directed by Cole Havens.
Produced by Mahkia Clark

UM News Silver – September 11, 2014

September 11, 2014

Sept 10 Silver Anchor StillThis week on UM News, anchors Holly Sinnema and Keeley Van Middendorp tells us about a University of Montana program that’s spreading to other universities across the nation, how the Athletic Department is keeping the Washington-Grizzly Stadium up-to-date, and what the Grizzly Marching Band does to prepare for game day. Directed by Cole Havens and produced by Allison Molin.

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