Blog Archives

Global Gateway Grows Thanks to Community

September 16, 2015

0916GlobalGatewayTen years ago, the University of Montana established the Global Gateway Initiative. The program aims to give students a skillset to survive in a global market. Two years ago, participation in the program nearly quadrupled, thanks in part to it’s expansion to include the rest of the Missoula community.

UM News Silver-September 25, 2014

September 25, 2014

Sept 24 Silver Anchors   This week on UM News, reporters Mahkia Clark and Mackenzie Enich cover stories from campus diversity, a new approach to getting home safe    from a night out, the economic benefits of local craft breweries and UM’s 150th Homecoming celebration.

Students Sell Their Plasma

November 21, 2013

P-Biolife-webStudents are finding new ways to make a little extra cash. One way that is becoming more popular is the selling of plasma. Since plasma cannot be produced synthetically, donors are compensated for their donations. Plasma is used to help treat hemophilia, immune deficiency disorders and other diseases. UM News reporter Ashley Mackey and photographer Mike Huberman take a closer look.

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