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UM News Maroon – October 2, 2014

October 2, 2014

Oct 1 Maroon Anchor StillThis week on UM News, anchors Holly Sinnema and Keeley Van Middendorp tells us how University of Montana students are coping with rising student loan debt, how the new Blackstone LaunchPad program can help students and graduates start their own businesses, and how Missoulian’s are getting around during the annual Bike Walk Bus Week. Produced by Allison Molin, directed by Ed Huberman.

UM Students Contribute to Missoula’s Local Music Scene

September 24, 2014

924_ThreeEaredDogThe University of Montana is well known for attracting national bands to its campus. But UM students are doing their part to support local musicians. UM News reporter Allison Molin looked into how students are contributing to the local music scene. Either as musicians, like the local band Three-Eared Dog, or as customers at music venues like the Top Hat Lounge.

UM News Maroon- September 18, 2014

September 18, 2014

Sept 17 Maroon Anchor stillThis week on UM News, anchors Jenna Heberden and Allison Molin tell us about Fall Feastival and the University’s Farm to College Program, how students volunteer to help children overseas, why one alumnus needs the community’s help, and how a UM professor is helping Missoula residents that are bothered by a strange odor in their neighborhoods.

UM Professor Works With Task Force To Find Mystery Odor

September 17, 2014

917MysternyOdorA University of Montana professor is working with a task force to find and stop an offensive odor that’s tormented North and Westside Missoula residents for months. UM News reporter Allison Molin and photographer Cole Havens met with the task force to see how they plan to track down the source.

UM News Silver – September 11, 2014

September 11, 2014

Sept 10 Silver Anchor StillThis week on UM News, anchors Holly Sinnema and Keeley Van Middendorp tells us about a University of Montana program that’s spreading to other universities across the nation, how the Athletic Department is keeping the Washington-Grizzly Stadium up-to-date, and what the Grizzly Marching Band does to prepare for game day. Directed by Cole Havens and produced by Allison Molin.

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